
Rise Up - Young Minds, Loud Voices
"Rise Up" is the title of our IFM-SEI camp because we recognize the need to come together and organize ourselves to advocate for change. The crises we face—from political instabilities to global warming—must not go unanswered.

Young Minds - Young people, in particular, are often not heard when it comes to our concerns. Yet, we know exactly what we need. In our camp, we will live and demand participation.

Loud Voices - We understand the importance of being heard, and together, we will amplify our voices! Because nothing less than the future of our planet is at stake. 

100 years Rote Falken
What will the world look like in 100 years? It’s a question we will ask ourselves for many reasons, especially because the Austrian Rote Falken will be celebrating their 100th anniversary! Yes, it’s hard to believe, isn’t it? We will celebrate this milestone in a memorable way at the camp.